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>I enjoy lurking on this group, and had expected to see several
>messages this morning regarding the national news last night, but
>What happened to the DOJ over the weekend?
>dave, x159

Someone changed the pages on the web site at www.usdoj.gov apparently in
protest at legislation banning indecent (broadly defiend) materials on the
net. The changes included swastikas and two photographs of female anatomy,
one in considerable detail.

Before the site/sight was taken down for repairs the pages were copied to
several other locations, including http://www.doobie.com/~baby-x/usdoj/

I have not been able to find out what vulnerabilities were exploited in
order to gain the required access to the site to make these changes. It
would be a nice gesture if the DoJ told us what they were, since presumably
they have fixed them now that the site has returned to its former state.

Trashing web pages seems to be on the increase. Hackers took down a number
of personal web sites a few weeks ago as part of an acrymonious argument
over who knows what.

